Our safety commitment is to the highest possible standards in full compliance with national fire codes. We are extremely proud of our incident free record and advise all clients that fire performance should not be undertaken without evidence of insurance. Each of our members carries professional liability insurance up to $3 million. We do site checks, provide safety equipment, and always have dedicated safety personnel.

Fire Resume
The following resume only includes performances (excluding private engagements) since the Brewcity Fire Brigade formed as a troupe in early 2013, but collectively our troupe members have over 30 years of combined dance and fire tool manipulation performance experience.
- Alverno College: October 2016.
- Bay View Bash: September, 2016.
- Wednesdays at the Shell concert series at Washington Park: August, 2016.
- ArtBar Mish Mash: July, 2016.
- PrideFest Dance Pavilion: June, 2016
- Garfield Park Conservatory, Chicago: August 2014.
- Wednesdays at the Shell concert series at Washington Park: August 2014.
- Root's Underground Outfitters' Block Party: August 2014.
- GBD*MKE 5.0 at Club Anything: July 2014. (Outdoor Show)
- Art Bar Mish Mash: July 2014. (Outdoor Show)
- Pridefest Dance Pavilion: June 2014.
- Burlypics Wisconsin - 3rd Place Finalist for Best Act: March 2014. (Indoor Show)
- GBD*MKE at Club Anything: February 2014. (Indoor Show)
- The Haunted Woods in Waterford: October 2013.
- Biktoberfest at Bob's South Shore Inn Cudahy: October 2013.
- Waukesha's Freeman Friday Night Live: September 2013.
- Chicago Full Moon Fire Jam: September 2013.
Wednesdays at the Shell concert series at Washington Park: August 2013.
- Art Bar Mish Mash: July 2013. (Outdoor Show)
GBD*MKE at Club Anything: July 2013. (Indoor Show)